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Design your photo album in Fundy Designer
Export and send to us for print
Flipchap Photo book and Album dimension
are available in Fundy Designer
1. Starting a Project
After your Fundy Designer platform is loaded, create a new project, configure its name and directory, then click [Next].
at the Top centered Menu, click on the Book Icon (left-most), and then click [+New Album]
2. Create Flipchap Photo Book or Photo Album
3. Choosing the right product
A list of Flipchap available Photo book and Photo Album will be loaded.
Select the one you want to create and click [Next].
4. Select the right dimension
A list of available dimension for your Photo Book and Photo Album will be loaded, select the right dimension and orientation, then click [Next].
5. Select the Cover
For Linen and Leatherette Cover, select [No Cover], as these Layflat photo album and Hardcover photo book do not require any design in Fundy platform.
For Printed and Fusion Cover, select [No Cover] too for both Layflat photo album and Hardcover/Softcover photo book, as Fundy do not support our Cover format. In our website, you are able to upload the photo to be placed at the cover during checkout.
Click [Next], after the right selection is made.
6. Name your Album
This is the last step, enter the desired Album name and click [Create Album].
1. For Hardcover & Softcover Photo Book
(Linen, Leatherette & Printed cover)
Click on the Export icon, that is located at the menu (right-most).
Select export for split.
For this Photo Book configuration we are only able to print from [split] format in jpg.
Example for Split
Do not change the naming of the jpg file, by default it will be numbered according to the pages.
2. For Layflat Photo Album & HD Flushmount Album
Click on the Export icon, that is located at the menu (right-most).
Select export for print.
For this Layflat Album configuration we are only able to print from this format in jpg.
Do not change the naming of the jpg file, by default it will be numbered according to the pages.
Example for Print
1. Logon to and navigate to the photo album product page as correspond to the one you have created in Fundy's Designer.
2. Select all the customization that you would like to have.
3. Under the Optional Customization, select Creations of Tools at the bottom.
4. Select Fundy Export, and click Start Creating button at the bottom.
5. A pop-up box will appear, which allow you to upload file.
Kindly archive all the fundy's export jpg into a .zip file, and upload it here, together with the cover photo if any.